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Working ON the Business, Not IN the Business, with NARI Minnesota

Last week we had yet another successful Professional Development Seminar for the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) on how to grow your business. We partnered with NARI Executive Director, Beatrice Owens who kicked off the event with a warm welcome to all attending members and introduced the speakers. NARI members were first able to hear from Bill Costello and Ben Quie, fellow members, about their experiences working with Apex North.

Bill Costello, COO of Streeter Custom Builders has been one of our clients for almost three years. In that time, Streeter has completely transformed into a growing business with a clear vision and focus on their future growth. “Glen has real world experience transforming companies,” said Bill. “We have a set of core values that helps get us through those challenges and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without Glen.”

Ben Quie, CEO and owner of Ben Quie & Sons, also provided insight into the immediacy of the changes that can happen when you use the right tools. I first connected with Ben Quie after a previous seminar with NARI members, and I have since gotten the privilege to work directly with their leadership. When I first started working with Ben, his biggest complaint was working ON the business. “I’ve got a great team, but I didn’t go to school for business.”

Image to right: Bill Costello, COO of Streeter Custom Builders

After Ben and Bill expressed their insights and gave their fellow NARI members some advice, I was given the opportunity to share some of my own experiences. I started where I start with all new clients: at the beginning, and worked through tested and proven methods that ensure company growth. Using the Metronomics System created by world renowned Business Coach Shannon Susko, I guide leadership teams in generating a plan for achieving their long terms goals. For those attending, I distilled my method into the core elements and reviewed the key touch points of the process.


The backbone of growth for any company is the One-Page Plan or One-Page Strategic Business Plan. A single page where all the company priorities, core values, and the BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) are laid out. Each is broken down into smaller pieces, all the way down to quarterly metrics and individual priorities for each team member. The OPP provides direction and focus for all team members to be sure everyone is paddling in the right direction.

The North Star Way

It’s trickier than it looks to generate the best Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) for a company to ensure growth. The North Star never moves and it provides direction for all other elements of the company. Through specific guided exercises, North Star BHAG can be broken down into 3-Year, 1-Year, and Quarterly Priorities as a guide rail to keep everything on track.

Working ON the Business vs. IN the Business

It’s true, many NARI members, like all of us, are working double duty. CEOs and company leaders are constantly juggling the day-to-day business of running the company with the task of growing the business. I help differentiate the many duties of company leadership and how to separate responsibilities so that you can focus ON the business instead of just IN the business.

After summarizing the overarching process, I made sure to save time to speak directly to individual members. Many business owners had great questions about the strategic processes for their business and I was able to have quality dialogue with those attending about their concerns. The Metronomics growth process is adaptable and it’s crucial to pinpoint individual sticking points for each company.

Last week’s NARI Professional Development Seminar was a grand success. If you have questions or are interested in reaching out to Glen Dall directly, visit where you can schedule your own in-person conversation with Glen Dall.

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